Time To Get Up
San Francisco's space rock band Beyond-0-Matic's album is a mix of psychotic mind bending melodic jams with extended trippy "Can" like loopy textures. The collection of conventional and non conventional instruments such as electric accordion, the long stiff finger of doom, the cross5 guitar, flute, melodeon, harmonium has been occasionally used for multi instrumental improvisational works during the studio recording sessions in 2003-2004. With a 70s style vocal of Peter Fuhry the band is flying into a hard defined zone of beyond - with a progressive message of time. "Good spacey, well played Floydian space jam music. If you miss the ancient days of Pink Floyd, or just wanted to hear a new interpretation of that era, you will celebrate this release." "Time to Get Up" is a high quality testimony to the talents of this gang of psychedelic warriors from San Francisco. And one well worth checking out by space cadets with a taste for material of a refined nature, with an emphasis on the gentler aspects found in this part of the psychedelic progressive universe.