Polska Radio One
Cosmos Inside
Polska Radio One is a group from the cold and gloomy Ural city of Yekaterinburg that in just a year and a half has made its way from a beginner garage combo to one of the Eastern Europes most interesting and promising psychedelic bands. They describe themselves "Somewhere between sixties-style British rock, modern fuzz-guitar psychedelia and traditional German kraut rock". "Cosmos Inside", their debut album, and it's an absolute killer, contains music well flavoured with Indian spices, and thoughtfully presented heavy-bodied psychedelic trip .It's sounds as dynamic and powerfully driven as their influence were, there's touches of Hawkwind, early Pink Floyd, early Can. All superbly recorded and played with intent and control. They lean towards mainly instrumental composition with some phased and effect vocals that fit the power of sometimes dark themes they use them on. Keyboards, lead, wah fuzz and tremolo guitars , deep tone bass and sound effects create an audio impact that's as good and better as anything around in the new psychedelia today.