Private Sucker
Fight This World
Lucky 13 songs in 45 minutes, PRIVATE SUCKER enter the race with longplayer # 3. The Regensburg combo (est. 2015) classifies itself as "streetpunk'n'roll" and in the broadest sense that fits: "Fight this world" is dominated by those unbeatable, yearning outlaw melodies of the SOCIAL D. brand, melancholic, yearning, driving. But they don't get caught in the copy cat mode, or take it to the extreme (RENO DIVORCE), but add some other topics to the sound: COCKNEY REJECTS riffs, classic rock'n'roll feeling and also stompin' hard rock parts. Plus English lyrics about flying sharks, lousy landlords, koalas from hell etc. Conclusion: A bulging mixed bag of the good kind, a really successful "Punk Rock Sucker" (not related to OXYMORON).