Hors Controle/hard Headed
We Can Do The Ska 5
#5 is the latest from the "Non-Ska bands play Ska" series: two bands, one single, international artist! A French streetpunk band and a Belgian hardcore orchestra playing ska? Works. Amazingly well. HORS CONTROL from Bourgogne-Franche-Comt have gained a reputation as roughnecks over the years, here they go almost smoothly to work, skank in the smart offbeat and write the eponymous theme song for the SMITH & MILLER Series: "Do the ska". HARD HEADED debut in 2021 on S& M with their longplayer, are very soft headed here and only pick up the pace towards the end. Great mix on foreign terrain, definitely more skilfully than deliberately executed. 500 ww copies, handnumbered.