Heroes 2 None
More Fat Villains To You All
Danish Oi!sters Heroes 2 None are dynamite. A street punk/Oi! band hailing from Aarhus, Denmark, they are continuing a long and proud tradition of bands from that town who play this kind of music. It's raw, and it's basic, and always true to the roots. You can call it whatever you like, and try to pigeonhole them, but their motto is: if it sounds good, let's play it, even if it maybe falls a bit outside the genre. The band members have plenty of experience, gained over 40 years in various bands like The Zero Point, War Of Destruction, Skaloot, The Hoolies, The Guv'nors, The Outfit & Last Seen Laughing. This Digipak-CD compiles tracks from Villains 2 All, 50 Fat & Out (The Next Chapter After 40, Fat & Finished) and Pre Punk 40. (The Album)