Lucha Libre (marbled)
blast from the past for today! Behind BLUTCYPHER hide city-known warhorses from the 1990s Streetpunk fundus (Shock Troops, Kiezgesoecks, Skinfield, O.B. Etc.). Should come into play here but only as a historical footnote; the BLUTCYPHER sound shows itself almost completely untouched by this, only the experience benefits the quality: Pushing power punk (POISON IDEA in cruiserweight / crucero) with upbeat MOTORHEAD edge, COCKNEY REJECTS singalongs and streetpunk grimness. Fresh, catchy and powerfully played. Official "Skins & Punks United" style, with "Skunx" there are also the appropriate lyrics. 8 x Mexican wrestling on vinyl, made in Berlin. Ring free, Luchadores! (DLC included as extra!)