Volkman, Kim -& The Whiskey Priests-
The Devil Won't Take Charity
"Kim Volkman has led an interesting musical life. Guitarist with Ian Rilen and the Love Addicts - one of the most underrated, raw and real bands to appear on Australian stages in the last 30 years - hes also had three stints filling his late ex-band leaders bass spot in X. Volkmans played with many lesser-known bands - including his own very good Whiskey Priests. Unlike Justin Bieber, hes never had notable success. Thats probably a good thing in Kims case - on his own admission, it might have killed him. Kim Volkmans childhood was scarred by abuse, hes had a couple of runs of smack addiction. Hes been a functioning alcoholic, ridden out a number of car crash relationships and, of course, has lived, eaten and breathed rock and roll. Musics been both his salvation and his downfall, at times. Even being a "rock star" in a relatively small pool (that would be Melbourne) brings pressures to live up to the name. If catharsis is character building, Kim Volkman is one of Australias most resilient characters."