Mother Tapes - Anthology 1986/1990
The VIEWS were one of the brightest and most hidden pearls of the 80's Italian underground music scene, claims Roberto Calabrò (author of "Eighties colours. Garage, beat e psichedelia nell'Italia degli anni Ottanta") in the introductory notes of this double CD retrospective. The band, led by Giovanni Ferrario, was formed in 1983, and only a few years later appeared on the scene with a debut album. Delicate melodies, guitar weaves, visionary atmospheres - all this is Views. Thi double CD contains the tracks of the two published vinyls of the group, "Mummycat The World n. 2" and "Namby-Pamby", plus a series of demo and live versions and rare rehearsal room four-track recordings, twenty-eight songs that give us back the fascinating musical parable of one of the most genuine and unique bands that the Italian underground scene has ever given birth to!!! "My friends know my stubbornness in avoiding anything to do with nostalgia and how weak my memory is. Despite this and not being able to erase my tracks, I remember with pleasure the years of my training. We lived in culturally deserted lands, but every intuition and every act were important and had to find a precise meaning, also in a political sense. The idea was to create something that appealed first to ourselves but had to belong to a specific place in the universe. Our attitude was that of many bands of the time: this is our thing, if you like it help yourself, if not: fuck off! Obviously this has never worked well, but who cares? Now that every idea and every gesture is designed to be functional to the market, I understand well how much those pioneering years were relevant for my growth." Giovanni Ferrario