Hell Is Truth Seen Too Late
RDS-220, a new studio project by Matthias P. Halsberghe & Kristof J. Mondy (also known from bands & projects like Amenra, Liar, VVOVNDS, Stormwind and many others). Vocals were put down on tape by 5 hand-picked guest singers (Jenci Vervaeke, Hans Verbeke, Paulo Rui, Dehn Sora & Bram Coussement), each taking care of 2 songs. In contrast of having full control over the musical side of the tracks, the guest-vocalists were given carte blanche to add their part. Expect no avant-garde here. What RDS220 throws at you is a barrage of riff-salvos, relentless speed, throat-grabbing vocals and Azagthothian lead guitars, honnouring the heydays of the late 80s and early 90s.