Baker, Aidan
Lost In The Rat Maze
With Lost in the Rat Maze Aidan Baker (als know from the drone project Nadja) produces an unconventional album - even to Baker-standards. Having been known for his extensive ambient soundscapes, Baker chose a different approach to his sound weaving - albeit true to the "Bakersound". In stead of a densely layered and broad sound palette, Baker has almost embraced a "postrockish" method of composing. More compact, pointed and clear progressions can be discovered, together with a diverse array of instruments, sounds and techniques. Expect the classic Aidan Baker elements: captivating, fascinating and repetitive mesmerizing sounds - but with a different twist to it. Aidan Baker has worked in the past with artists like John Duncan, Tim Hecker, Zev, Matt Borghi, Jakob Thiesen, .