Not Moving Ltd
Love Beat
Lilith, Dome La Muerte and Antonio Bacciocchi recorded together for the last time in 1988. The result was the album 'Flash on you', the epitaph to the historical Not Moving line-up. Since then, things have changed radically, in music, society, culture, and above all in the hearts and souls of the band members. In the meantime, the three musicians have started and finished their personal projects thousands of times, always Somewhere else. Now they are back together (along with Iride Volpi) and present a new album (after the quick taste of the single "Lady Wine", two years ago). "Love Beat" is the exact representation of what NOT MOVING LTD is all about, an artistic entity that makes obvious reference to the past and its roots whilst constantly looking forward. The nine tracks are the outcome of a long, hard-fought and sincere journey through everything we can define as ROCK 'n' ROLL. Nothing more, nothing less.