Murphy, Genevieve
I Don't Want To Be An Individual All On My Own
I dont want to be an individual all on my own relates the powerful yet incomplete impressions of a childhood memory. The story takes us to a garden party where Genevieve, turning 8, and her mother, are celebrating their birthdays with friends and family. Various characters will come into focus during the evening as young Genevieve moves between her childlike world and that of the adults. We discover the people around her as she experiences them in a new light that day, becoming aware maybe for the first time of the complexity and strangeness of everyone in her life. Curiosity and fear become the markers of a new way of experiencing the world. Telling a personal story through a sonic narrative of songs, spoken word and sound objects, Murphy flashes a vivid light on the universal question of how to relate to others, and our own personal memories of becoming individuals, all on our own. Genevieve Murphy (1988, Scotland) is a composer, performer and bagpipe player. Genevieve is known to combine performance art with contemporary classical music. Her personal experiences are a central motivation for her research and her concepts are frequently based around memory, psychology and disability.