Jarboe/father Murphy
Split (10")
For this amazing collaborative EP, American artist and performer Jarboe (Swans) collaborates with the Italian occult duo Father Murphy. With the latter being from Italy, the Roman catholic church was ever present, together with the catholic sense of guilt. Father Murphy wants to make that guilt audible, with them digging deep into occultism and eroticism. Their live shows are known for their intensity, treading a narrow line between a rite and an artistic performance. Their craft matches perfectly with Jarboes oeuvre. Jarboes known for her bold experimentations and melodic diverse expressions. Throughout her life Jarboe has explored the rebuilding and reinventing of identity and the elemental structures of personae. With these exceptional artists meeting up you can be sure this will conjure an extraordinary album that haunts and hurts, but most definitely will leave you longing for more. The album has been expertly designed by the very talented Dehn Sora, beautifully capturing the essence of the record. For fans of: Swans, Neurosis, Diamanda Galas, Stephen OMalley, Akron/Family.