Digital Factor
G.b.a. - General Behavior Abrogate
2023 marks the 30th anniversary of DIGITAL FACTORs eventful history. For the occasion, Mike Langer decided to make his new studio album "G.B.A.-General Behavior Abrogate" a very special release in many ways. First of all, DIGITAL FACTOR decided to make this album a charity project where all proceeds will be donated to a foundation for disadvantaged children (https://www.kinderstiftung-altenburg.de/), bringing back some humanity to our crazy world and reminding all of us that music is a perfect media to set up connection and bring us all together. We count on everyone for supporting us in this charity adventure! Mike Langer also took the challenge to collaborate on each new song with a different local artist from his hometown of Altenburg (Germany) giving to this new album a very eclectic and collaborative dimension. "As a musician, you always tend to say that the current album is THE special album. (laugh) But the current work with numerous musicians from my hometown, all embracing my musical style, is truly something special", explains German artist Mike Langer. This approach also marks a break from the usual quite dystopian lyrics DIGITAL FACTOR served us so far. "G.B.A." carries hope and gives the positive message that "Even in difficult times there are situations and people who are the light at the end of the tunnel". The song "But Not Today" probably best symbolizes the whole project thanks to the collaboration with the samba/drummer group COMO VENTO who actually started themselves their musical adventure as a socio-cultural project and has since attracted attention nationwide.