RED becomes DER and releases the album "Supersound" in March 2022! These last two weird years, Red (Olivier Lambin, his real name), then suffering from presbyopia, buys a bass guitar (larger frets and fewer strings) and he asks two drummers, Nman (Zombie Zombie, Herman D) and DDDxie (The Shoes, Rocky, Gumm) to make him rhythms of their choice on which he composes "Supersound". His lifelong friend, Jrôme Excoffier, meanwhile, knits all the guitars on the album. A cavernous voice, declaimed lyrics, saturated guitars, fierce riffs, energetic rhythms, this album between post-punk, grunge and garage rock is a synthesis of all that alternative rock has best to offer us: 12 explosive and brutal songs, tied up like a roast beef and recorded live.