Connection, The
Just For Fun
Hitting their home studio as the year came to a close, Brad Marino, Geoff Palmer and the boys in the band, including a slew of special guest veterans from the hey day when pop punk ruled the fanzines, record shelves, and airwaves, featuring Chris "B-Face" Barnard on bass (The Queers/Groovie Ghoulies), The Connection have gone back to their roots, crate digging, paying homage to their heroes in this 10 song collection "Just For Fun". Produced by Brad and Geoff, mixed by Mike Kennerty (All American Rejects), and mastered by Mass Giorgini (who has had a hand in everything pop punk from Green Day to Screeching Weasel, The Queers, Groovie Ghoulies, and more), "Just For Fun" cranks out a set list that could have been spun in your favorite DJs set, heard on your favorite bars jukebox, or hummed in your head for weeks on end. Taking a refreshing, straight ahead, all thrills ride, The Connection nail it on the rock n roll song book with "Teenage News" (Sylvain Sylvain), "Get Out Of Denver" (Bob Seger), "No Expectations" (Rolling Stones), "Southern Girls" (Cheap Trick), and the ferocious, scorching lead single "Stay With Me" (The Dictators).