Casino, Johnny
Trade Winds
The album began its life after a phone call from Johnnys great friend and former member of Asteroid B612 Kenny Killer Watt, Kenny asked Johnny if he had any new ideas or songs hed like to record in Fremantle Western Australia. The answer was yes!! And Kenny set about putting a band together to record these ideas. WARREN HALL (Drums)(The Volcanics/Datura 4/The Drones) has been playing with Johnny for many years either playing live in Western Australia or in the recording studio on many of Johnnys songs over the years , Warren is such a great organic musician so he was onboard from the start, Kenny then approached MARTYN P CASEY (Bass Guitar)(Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds/The Triffids/Grinderman) whom Johnny had met a few times in his travels, Kenny played Martyn some of Johnnys acoustic sketches of the songs and Marty was impressed, so there in lies the core of the band for this album, add in some of Fremantles locals including DOM MARIANI (the Stems/DM3/Datura 4) - GREG HITCHCOCK (the Bamboos/You Am I/the Neptunes) - JOHNNY PHATOUROS (The Volcanics) - RICHARD LANE (The Stems) and Sydneys singing sisters CARRIE and JODI PHILLIS (The Clouds/The Boobytraps) and you have Johnny Casino trade winds