Acid Baby Jesus
A Mediterranean concoction of two of your favorite "Black" bands (Sabbath/ Lips), ABJ represents the future of heavy psych'n'roll from an isolated, ancient civilization. Combining the ruthless elements of American outlaw roots music and celestial glam rock, like fellow deconstructionists Demon's Claws, "LP" suggests the Rolling Stones at their wearied best, with the electrifying hi-jinks of Brian Eno bulldozing the swagger into the darkest corners of the cosmos. Dynamics play equally as heavy a role as their expert songwriting, and a flawless production job by John Vulgaris rounds this album out with a fresh level of psycho-sonic Alex Chilton-esque throb, heavily peppered with lazy Hazelwood-isms. "LP" presents a long, gooey segue from rave-up to release with breathtaking results, like the best love-making of your life.