Acht Eimer Huhnerherzen
A Spanish concert guitar with a "three-quarter meter", a tiny acoustic bass with nylon strings, a minimalist drum kit, 2 distortion pedals and 3 voices - the eight buckets of chicken hearts did not change the nylon-punk style of their debut album - rather varied and concretized and developed, how you can develop in this way if you are actually too disturbed and dysfunctional for the laws of pop music and second record. The rules of punk, folk and songwriting continue to be ignored ice cold and everything remains handmade without tricks and effects, but spiral galaxies removed from "unplugged" patina and pathos, this time even faster and more punk-oriented. Because the world and its problems are now turning faster and faster and you have to keep up with the times. And "wer pennt, kommt in Zement."