Scheisse Minnelli
The Crime Has Come
Scheisse Minnellis second Longplayer contains 16 Hi-Speed Thrash-Punkers, a furious mixture of 80ies Oldschool Skate-Core played with a modern Fast as Fuck High Octane RocknRoll Vengeance and a straight into-your-face sort of production. It was recorded in only 2 days and produced by Archi Alert (Inferno/Terrorgruppe). Archi discovered the group by pure random, surfing on MySpace. He sent a short email: "U people rock, I produce music, lets make an album!" A collaboration followed immediately. This was the task: No tricks, no overdubs, no technical cosmetics, all pure and real, 16 songs in 2 days! Even the guitar was never double-dubbed or played twice, all the solos and powerchords are live from the one and only take, just like a hardcore-show or the way it shoud be ... For fans of Raw Power, The Murder Junkies, Retching Red, Butt Trumpet, Municipal Waste, Seein Red, DI, Christ on Parade, Antiseen & Subhumans. Tracklisting: 01. Don't drink the Viper 2:09 02. Tribute to Robby's Liver 2:01 03. Crime 1:51 04. Time 2:18 05. Sin and Tonic 0:28 06. Scheisse Minnelli Pt.II 1:28 07. The Shit House 3:05 08. Idiocracy 2:23 09. Skate A Holic 2:22 10. When Skateboarding was a Crime 0:39 11. Run from the Cops 2:01 12. Their Plan 2:29 13. The Joke 2:00 14. No Respect 0:40 15. Thrash Circle Pit 1:29 16. Why 1:25