45 Adapters
Dress Well, Drink Heavily
The band describes their music as a truck full of Otis Redding records crashing into a truck full of COCK SPARRER records. Even that description fails to truly cover the broad sweep of influences that can be heard in their music. Coming from deep roots in classic oi! and street rock, 45 ADAPTERS also bring smart mod sounds, nods to 60s soul and reggae, glam, pub rock and even hints of classic rock to the table. The end result is a truly unique sound combined with original subject matter in what can be a stagnant genre. 45 ADAPTERS have been lucky to share the stage with many notable lights of the streetpunk scene, including INFA RIOT, TEMPLARS, GUIDA, STOMPER 98 and THE BUSINESS. In addition, they play several shows a month in the NYC area with bands from genres as diverse as mod, ska, hardcore and garage.