We Speak (digipack)
YOTANGOR is above all an adventure with a bunch of friends whose aim is to deliver their music and their message, one of depth, revolt, a vision of the world as it is today. Jean guy Pichoustre, guitarist and composer is the founder of this beautiful project. YOTANGOR built itself around Jean guy Pichoustre and Yngrid, the singer. Rapidly joined by Tony Marcos, drums, Patrice Hernandez, bass, Vincent Agar, lead guitar and later on by Damien Castex, keyboards. As Patrice Hernandez had to leave, Clement Lefevre, bass recently joined the team. In 2009 they released their first concept album "King of the Universe" followed by "We Speak" in 2012, an album bursting with powerful melodies, explosive, thunder-like rhythms and strong lyrics. The matureness that rises from this album is compelling. YOTANGOR speaks about life and peoples common paths through enlightened and pertinent thought. If YOTANGOR had a motto it would be "We speak for the voiceless".