Watch Them Fail
Founded in 2016 in Graz/Austria, the four musicians of WATCH THEM FAIL, have been consistently and unconsciously avoiding to put themselves into a specific music genre. The individual band members influences are too different and too far spread out in order to be reduced to ONE musical formula. This is also reflected in their lyrics, written in English, German and Spanish. The only constant in the music of WATCH THEM FAIL is the catchiness of their songs, which manifests itself in either the listeners head and/or legs, where it settles for good. This brought WATCH THEM FAIL onto stages in Austria and abroad as the first gig in the bands history ever, to open up for PRONG and 2019 on the bill of Metal On The Hill-Festival toge- ther with bands like LORD OF THE LOST, ALIEN WEAPONRY, WALLS OF JERICHO, HAMMERFALL and many more.