Black Steel Vengeance
No more perfectly titled, Black Steel Vengeance is VITRIOLIC are at their rowdiest and most powerful. Honed on the live front, Black Steel Vengeance is a ten-track assault of old-school, riff-driven METAL. Black, speed, thrash, separately or all at once: VITRIOLIC let loose and live lawlessly on this 41-minute firestorm. Truly, this album is a testament to the burning underground spirit - theirs, yours, everyones who believes in Hells heavy metal - remaining grounded in the dirt of the past but digging up new graves that smell rottenly unfresh. The flag of hate of the original Teutonic Big Three flies proudly here, but VITRIOLIC manage to twist the knife in different-yet-honorable ways. As such, Black Steel Vengeance is equally at home in 1985, 1999, and 2025, such is its timeless gallop n thrust. Raise your sword!