Dying Victims Vol.1
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present the first installation of its new compilation series, on CD format. Aptly titled "Power Thrashing Death", this CD contains (sold out) demos/eps by 5 of the most ravaging Speed/Thrash/Death metal acts on the label. All of these have so far been available only on cassette tape and are now unleashed onto a broader mass. Featured bands are Austrias Death Racer with their first demo "Qualifying" (Black/Speed), Chiles Hellpossession with their latest demo "Phantom Aggressor" (Black/Thrash/Speed), USAs Reaver with their debut demo "Butchery from Beyond!" (Death), Frances Savagery with their first ep "Off the Ruins." (Speed/Thrash) as well as Germanys Terok Nor with their debut ep "Rematerialization Fails" (Death/Thrash). A total of 19 tracks - almost 70 minutes of Power Thrashing Death!