101 Orange Street
Orange Street has a mystical place in Reggaes history. Set in the heart of downtown Kingston, Jamaica. Even to this day it stands somehow locked in time and space. The beat of the music ever changing and evolving. As politics, religion even the weather effect its course one thing remains a constant, Orange Street is central to the islands musical story. The Ska era of Jamaicas sound time has told us can be dated from around 1962 to late 1966. The instigators being the big three producers of this period, Clement Coxonne Dodd,Prince Buster and Duke Reid. Prince Busters phenomenal output on the Blue Beat label, Coxonne Dodds opening of his Studio One premises in 1963 at 13 Brentford Road gave him the facilities to hone and produce his music and Duke Reids opening his own studio above his Treasure Isle record store in 1965. The Rocksteady sound which ran a shorter more intense race between 1966 to 1968 would be Duke Reids to command. We hope you enjoy this selection of fine tunes that you can imagine bellowing out from Orange Street.So as the great song suggests.If you ever get to Orange Street..Close your eyes and let us take you there.