Lee, Bunny
Agro Sounds 101 Orange Street
Countless incredible records were made in Kingston between 1968 and 1971 that has never been able to lose the stigma of being described as Skinhead Reggae but in Jamaica the term never meant anything. However Bunny Lees Aggro Sounds both at home and away. They were tougher then tough ,rougher then rough ,kicked like a bovver boot and were sharper then a razor cut trim. Raw, pure and undiluted every time...some even troubled the UK national charts.. To say the man and his music dominated at the time would be a complete understatement. Striker was everywhere...travelling between Kingston, where he opened his Agro Sounds record shop at 101 Orange Street and London where he set up his Unity label with the Palmer Brothers for the exclusive release of his productions and his Jackpot subsidiaries with both Trojan and Pama records. Ubiquitous does not start to come into it.