Valcarcel, Edgar
Composiciones Electronicas Para Los Andes (1967-2006)
Edgar Valcarcel is responsible for introducing locally the new languages of the international musical avant-garde, in a meeting with the legacies of Peruvian native music, where the folkloric material was used under very free and abstract conceptions. For first time on vinyl. - Invencion [Invention] (1967) for magnetic tape (5:22) - Zampona sonica [Sonic Zampona] (1968-2006) for processed native instruments and magnetic tape (8:57) - Flor de sancayo II: Retablo [Flower of Sancayo II: Altarpiece] (1976) for piano and magnetic tape (9:17) - Canto coral a Tupac Amaru II [Choral Song for Tupac Amaru II] (1968) for choir, percussion, lights and magnetic tape (11:58)