Madhouse" is a collection that came out from Uzis music journey; a journey that didnt last longer than 7 years.The band which was formed in 1986 out of the ashes of Kidd can be characterized as a typical glam rock band of the time and through this release ,almost two decades since they quit , we are given the chance to have a taste of what Uzi was like. The collection captures ten of the bands songs, demonstrating a variety of sounds.This variety is of course expected since the songs are written in a not only seven-year-period but a critical one as well for the music scene, with many changes occurring as far as music influences and demands are concerned. Listening to "Madhouse" one can come across to classic hard rock/glam tunes,familiar to Skid Row or Motley Crew fans. From sweet love ballad "Away From My Heart" to rebellious "Rocker", this collection offers forty minutes full of nostalgia for the legendary decade of the 80s and the glam/sleaze/hair-metal bands that reigned back then.Following "Madhouse" s music journey we can still see the changes in the music industry which occurred in the early nineties and the evolving influences that bands like Nirvana and Soungarden caused with their appearance (easily observed in "Wreckerd Man").