They got together in 1984 and released only two vinyl LPs, Deche a la chtouille in 1987 in an opening cover including an erectible penis getting out when opening it, and the second album, "Q-Sec" in 1988, in a giant, whisky bottle-shaped unfolding sleeve. So, it's time for DIRTY PUNK RECORDS to release that second opus. What an album! It includes all the hits you could expect, such as "Les Anarchistes" (a cover from French late singer Leo Ferre) and "Skin ou Keupon" (It's one of the most covered track on the French punk scene, ever). Classic hits like "Quand je bande", "Chevaliers de la table ronde" and the like, are not left out... Comes in a digipack, 3 leaf- format, with the famous whisky bottle. Note that the CD also includes a bonus track, "Le Bourreau", a song that used to be on the "Bleu, Blanc, Rock" compilation .