Totem Obscura
Nordische Feste
With their second full length album, the German duo TOTEM OBSCURA carry us to brutal battlefields where Middle Age knights encounter modern aliens and other mystical creatures. The setting is foggy and mysterious. Fear and death are oppressively omnipresent. We actually almost taste blood, dust and rusty metal through the ambiance set by these haunting dark tunes signed by the infernal duo of Nadine "AENGELDUST" Engel and Pedro "ACYLUM" Engel. On "Nordische Feste", TOTEM OBCURA blend opposite genres and various historical influences into their unique cocktail of aggressive dark elektro, tortuous Middle-Age tonalities, lingering oppressive atmospheres reinforced by German lyrics and contrasting vocal duets of Nadines bewitching chants and Pedros powerful distorted growls. Strongly recommended to fans of :WUMPSCUT:, ACYLUM, HEIMATAERDE, YELWORC and DAS ICH.