Strung Out
Black Out The Sky
For anyone who has listened to punk rock over the past two decades, Strung Out needs no introduction. Their signature brand of intense, frenetic, metal-influenced punk has elevated them to elite status and played a significant role in redefining the genre. From their FAT debut Another Day in Paradise to 2015s Transmission.Alpha.Delta, Strung Outs consistency in pushing the envelope is unmatched. In keeping with their pioneering ethic, Strung Out stretch their comfort zone even further on Black Out the Sky. The 8-song EP sees the band transition from their hallmark melody-laced, kick-you-in-the-teeth style of punk, to an equally intriguing acoustic iteration. They trade distortion and lightning fast riffs for cleaner tones and measured tempos, allowing them to put their diverse songwriting talent on full display. This strippeddown style lets their melodic sensibilities shine in a way they never have before. Black Out the Sky is a perfectly executed foray into new territory, with a mix of six brand new songs and two perfectly reimagined classics.