Basic thought was BACK TO THE ROOTS!" After experimental excourses STREETMARK remembered their roots of rock music. The use of synthesizers, keyboards, as well as catchy, meaty guitar-riffs, stamped this album. During the nearly sold out live concerts of DRY-tour in 1979 this has been honored by an enthusiastic audience. With more than 60 concerts this was the most successful tour at all, of the band. At the same time the title ,Lovers" kept his place under first rankings of the WDR-Schlagerralley (Dorothea Raukes, January 2015, about ,DRY" in 1979) 1969 formed in Dusseldorf, STREETMARK stirring up the German Rock scenery. 1979, new musicians in the band have been drummer Bogdan Skowronek and guitar player Winfried Kowallik, who left in the same year for a long tour with OCTOPUS. With the cast Dorothea Raukes, Thomas Schreiber und Bogdan Skowronek, and the help of guest bass player Jurgen Pluta, the band returned to the studio, under direction of Conny Plank, to record album number three named "Dry" . The music turned out to be extremely eager and diversified. Strong electronic and progressive rock influences, melodic, nearly orchestral passages, and with ,Lovers" an enormous danceable scenehit