Spookie Daly Pride
Marshmallow Pie
The members of Spookie Daly Pride bring an eclectic array of experiences to the band, which comes out in the group's dizzying, nearly psychedelic mix of songs on its upcoming debut album, "Marshmallow Pie" (Funzalo Records), from the U2-like soul-rock ballad, "Holy Rubbertramps" to the Tom Waits-ish "Birthday Song," to the Monty Python-like "Big Car," to the ska-powered "Splash (In the Nighttime)" to the Crash Test Dummies-like pop-funk of "Karma Thunderbolt." Each song has its own distinct sound but yet they all blend together perfectly. If you attempt to compare the sound, you can't because they are tremendous lovers of music and let it all out when they play - it is everything you have heard before, and nothing like what you've heard before.