Heavy Metal Macht
Ever aptly titled, Heavy Metal Macht is indeed pure German metal THUNDER! No thrash, no speed, just simple (and simply stunning) HEAVY METAL brewed in the cauldrons of old, all delivered in SPIKERs mother tongue, as a nod to the old GDR metal bands who sang in German as well. Classy and cruising whilst emitting a touch of rowdiness thats intrinsic to the Teutonic rivethead ethos, here on Heavy Metal Macht do this young quartet of old souls charge into the night with gusto and panache, armed to the teeth with anthems of indelible steel. Granted, SPIKER can certainly kick up the pace when they want to, but their thrust isnt strictly speed metal per se, but rather a hook-intensive sort somewhere between early Living Death and classic Tank, Germanys Warrant and Strong Arm of the Law-era Saxon. Youve been warned about their Heavy Metal Macht!