Selassi, Omni
Dance Or Dye
The three-piece Omni Selassi was brought together by Rea Dubach in 2019. In a flash of inspiration - for what hardly anyone would have expected at the time: since then, the band from Biel, Bern, and Leipzig with Rea Dubach (voc, git, efx), Mirko Schwab (dr, electroharp, git) and Lukas Rutzen (dr, perc, bass) has been chased from one stage to the next. Rarely does the same thing happen twice: Omni Selassi play on to musical doom. And nothing remains as it was: split and disassembled, symbiotic, androgynous, kaleidoscopically polytoxic. Two drummers meet a singer, a guitar and all kinds of other stuff, knickknacks, shenanigans. Pop, grunge, ritual, punk, never as dogma, always as an attempt at failing. Or: Whats left of rock music in the year 2022 after C. After two single releases on A Tree in a Field Records and around a hundred concerts Europe-wide despite the pandemic plus this somewhat memorable Sunday evening concert as the Maximum Dluge big band at the Bad Bonn Kilbi 2021, the band will release their way of processing all this in autumn 2022: The debut album Dance or Dye will be released the 30.09.2022 on A Tree in a Field Records, Basel, Switzerland.