Desert Warrior
And now, with the imminent release of Desert Warrior, SANDSTORM prove loudly that they are the REAL fucking DEAL! A swift-yet-generous record at 21 minutes, the four songs comprising Desert Warrior are thematically unified by classic late 60s / early 70s sci-fi tropes, and the power-trio suitably keep the focus squarely on riffs and atmosphere. Those riffs retain the same feeling as the full-length predecessor - nothing overdriven, everything moving at a hot-rockin pace - and where medieval magick ran riot across a strongly rock n roll backbone, here do SANDSTORM evoke a strong sense of the epic and tragic. That Desert Warriors atmosphere is noticeably more moody takes nothing away from the metallic heights they reach; if anything, one could liken the mini-album to ghostly NWOBHM bordering on lonerist AOR, but still with a propensity to kick out the jams when needed. For proof, see the aptly titled "Evil Wins" and note the specter of Mercyful Fate floating nearby. Plus, the band arent monikered SANDSTORM for nothing: it was about damn time they did a record called Desert Warrior and made a musical mini-movie of sorts!