Rockets, The (uk)
Even Money/steppin' Outa Line
The Rockets were natives of Londons Ladbroke Grove, and precursors of UK punk rock heroes Warsaw Pakt. They played high-energy rhythm & blues with hard-boiled street-smart lyrics delivered quick and cool against super-charged Chuck Berry guitar licks. "The Rockets started in 1975, heavily influenced by Dr Feelgood, who had a residency at the Kensington pub around the corner," relates guitarist Andy Colquhoun. "It was Brit R&B. We played half a dozen Bo Diddley numbers, including Cops And Robbers, and 60s tunes such as I Fought The Law, Dont Gimme No Lip - which, pre-Pistols, was a Dave Berry B-side Bo knockoff - and we played numbers I wrote that eventually got recorded by Warsaw Pakt."