Hamburg Sounds Live
If a band were on stage with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, if they had big hits in England and America and still have up to 100 concerts a year - after about 57 years (!) - it would be hard to believe that this one band comes from Germany. But The Rattles are a German band and have significantly influenced German rock music. This was not to be considered in 1960, when the two almost 17-year-old Hamburg guys Achim Reichel and Herbert Hildebrandt founded the Rattles with a few friends. Coming from rock and roll, they jumped right on the Beat train coming from England and won in 1962 in the legendary Star Club the competition "Best Beat Band". No other German band played more often at Star Club than The Rattles, and of course their first singles were released on the house label. Up to the motherland of the Beat! In 1963 The Rattles played two weeks in the every night sold out Cavern Club in Liverpool, on their first England tour The Rolling Stones played the opening act (!). One more word to the Cavern Club, in the history of this legendary club The Rattles are 2nd place after the Beatles of the most popular bands performing there. In 1966, the Rattles played together with the Beatles on a major tour in Germany, and in the same year, the film "Hurra, die Rattles kommen" started in German cinemas In 1969, the only remaining founding member Herbert Hildebrandt wrote the hit "The Witch", which entered many charts in 1970. After a recent European tour in 1972, the Rattles adopted - until they reappeared in the late eighties. The comeback album immediately tied to the old successes, album and the decoupled single "Hot Wheels" were 20 weeks in the German charts, over 20 television appearances and a successful tour through Germany were the result. The Rattles were back on top, and that's where the best German beat band of all time moves today. With bassist and singer Herbert Hildebrandt and Dicky Tarrach, who has also been drumming in the band for over 50 years, Eggert Johannsen (vocals, guitar) and Manne Kraski (guitar) have formed the costly cast of the Rattles for about 20 years. In this cast, the popular band played in September 2010 for the NDR televison a rousing concert in the broadcasting room. The Rattles offered the enthusiastic audience a musical journey through time from the beginnings of "Come on and sing" to "The Witch" to "Hot Wheels" and even newer songs. Great and inspiring interpreted by a band that has almost 60 years under its belt.