Pierron, Gerard
Tresors Perdus - Retrospective 1981-2013
This anthology from a discreet artisan of song has the title "Lost Treasures" (TrEsors perdus) and it completes the Gaston CoutE retrospective (FA5638) published in 2016. If poets were antiques, GErard Pierron would be an antiques hunter, as shown by his efforts to shed light on the work of such popular poets as Louis Brauquier or Allain Leprest. Perron has a unique feel for the musicality behind words, and has given us some remarkable thematic records (songs of the river Loire, the sea, the countryside, wines and people, etc.) This box set retraces the discography of an adventurer in song whose career (distinguished by several awards from France's AcadEmie Charles Cros, and praised by the media) remains off the beaten track, with treasures picked up from the by-roads and some unusual encounters. Augustin BONDOUX & Patrick FREMEAUX