Petty Larcenists
Stolen Chords And Lifted Riffs
Jesse Thorson is a songwriter who has has surpassed all expectations of what a punk rock band should sound like. There's a ton of bands out there that have achieved mainstream success, but 90% of them can't hold a candle to what Jesse does. This has never been more apparent than with the release of "Stolen Chords and Lifted Riffs", the debut album from his newest band, Petty Larcenists. Smack dab in the musical middle of The Slow Death and Pretty Boy Thorson and The Fallen Angels, the Petty Larcenists have created a real Rock and Roll album with all the honesty, grit, and feeling that fans have come to respect and expect out of Mr. Thorson. This album may be the best bunch of songs from one of the best songwriters ever.