Perpetual Paranoia
Hell Fest
Hell Fest is Elite Dark, Thrash Metal featuring Tiago (Hand of Fire/Biogenesis) and Dale Thompson (Bride) - If you were headed to a deserted island and could take only one metal CD with you - this is a bonafide desert island disc! It's that brilliant! Tiago is one of the finest guitarists we have ever heard - wielding his molten metal axe and playing with jazz-inspired skill and precision. Taking no prisoners and leaving behind only mushroom clouds, tank treads, and an arachnid cadaver crawling across the landscape, Hell Fest is dark, heavy and the definition of METAL. Add in the primal screams and vocals of Dale Thompson who seems to only get more accomplished and better with age - and you have one of the finest metal albums 2021 will offer. No band sounds like Perpetual Paranoia - this collection of musicians is creating music others can only hope to emulate, but expect to hear elements of Slayer, Toxic Holocaust, Kreator, Havok, and Celtic Frost. Featuring Michelle Braglia Rodovalho, Carlos Osnaya guitar solo participation. Derek Dorneles on the drums. Joe Moghrabi guitar solo.