Veteran electronic artist Laurent Boudic returns with his unparalleled NOVO project on Alfa Matrix! After several releases on labels like Anthony Rother's label PSI49net or yet Black Montanas Records on which the band explored the electronic music spectrum ranging from Kraftwerkian dark sounds to cold industrial. This new 4th album "Zeitgeist" reveals a radical return to the roots for Laurent Boudic and the period when he was active in the Belgian Electronic Body Music scene back in the good old 80's. Sharp and precise electronic sequencers, vintage analogue synths and straightforward more prominent vocals along with some vocoder backings give an overall more structured and elaborated dimension to these new songs."Zeitgeist" is a conceptual album reflecting NOVO's vision of the "spirit of our time" from various chaotic perspectives let it be politics, social structures, the rise of extremism or yet mass psychology techniques. Just like announced by the "I Flee" single which wet our appetite for more, Paris-based Belgian artist serves us here a brilliant album that will plunge us back in to the good old classic EBM / New Wave league evoking FRONT 242's "Geography", TRISOMIE 21's "The Last Dance" or yet FAD GADGET's "Collapsing New People". Electronic music to consume without moderation. "Zeitgeist" also comes out as a deluxe double-CD carton box edition with a bonus disc featuring a collection of rare and unreleased songs, collaborations and live recordings perfectly bridging NOVO's past, present and future...! Lush pure electronics you rapidly become addicted to.