Noferini, Anna / Cozzolino, Luigi

Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: Hymns And Songs, Musiquer

Even today, more than seventy years after his death, Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff remains an enigmatic figure. His message was a profound teaching, gleaned from his extensive travels to the East, which came at the cost of immense personal sacrifices. It is a call to inner evolution, charting a course for both current and future generations. The fact that Gurdjieff was a composer is remarkable, as it is rare for a spiritual teacher to supplement his teachings with artistic forms that are in themselves unique and essential expressions. The sacred dances or "Movements," along with roughly two hundred musical compositions he left behind, underscore the significance he placed on the discipline of the body in motion and the spiritual practice linked to sound vibrations. The repertoire of Movements represents a body of work that is both established and evolving, with music composed over the years, from the earliest pieces born of collaboration between Gurdjieff and his students and associates, to the most recent, embodying a tradition that remains ever relevant and dynamic. The pieces are performed here by violinist Anna Noferini and pianist Luigi Cozzolino, who also arranged the songs on this CD.

CD - 1 disk
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