Myth Of I
Myth Of I
Since the conception of MYTH OF I in the fall of 2013 in the dorms of Berklee College of Music, Tyler Fritzel and Jennings Smith have worked tirelessly at creating a new sonic thumbprint in this modern metal world. After releasing their debut EP S.T.E.M. in 2015, and playing alongside bands such as CHRONOLOGIST , NATIVE CONSTRUCT, ABIOTIC, and ARCHSPIRE , the group of troubadours began a journey of working on their first full length record. With drums and guitars tracked in Maine with the illustrious Evan Sammons and mixed/mastered by the renowned Jamie King, they have created a piece of music that will forever redefine what it means to be a progressive metal band. The album paints lush landscapes and takes the listener on a wild ride through virtuosic guitar solos, mellow ambience, and enough time signature changes for the whole family.