Murder The Disturbed
Talking Rubbish
Not a household name but every discerning Punk Collector or Fan would be familiar with this North East band. The band was formed in 1977 in Concorde, a suburb of Washington, Tyne and Wear. Living within a stones throw of each other, the four unemployed 17 year-olds used to hang around the towns Oval Youth Club, bored stiff and pessimistic about their prospects. At the time, the punk scene was just getting off the ground in the area and news that someone at the Youth Club, Steve Zodiac Minto, had a guitar was the catalyst for the lads going out in search of instruments to form a band; the tale of Danny Tindale crawling around a music shop window acquiring useful equipment, guided by pointing fingers from outside, has passed into local folklore. Geared up, the band named themselves The Disturbed because they felt it was important to have a name with The in it. Despite not being able to play much, if at all, they were confident enough to hit the road. The original line-up was John Farrer and Chris Mordey on vocals, Roy Errington on bass, Tommy Watson on drums and Steve Zodiac on guitar. The first gig was at the Oval in January 1978, where the hostile reaction of the audience prompted a name change to Murder the Disturbed. Roy Errington took the threats of violence seriously and left, so Chris Mordey had to transfer to bass. Sadly the band only ever released one 3-Track 7" on the Small Wonder label back in 1979. This collection has been painstakingly put together from old cassettes that the band have coupled together and brought back to life by a ever loving Studio Engineer. As the tracks have been taken from several different sources, they do vary in sound quality.. On saying that, just take a listen to the outstanding track. MOTHER DEAR...