Monnik came in to the limelight with 2015s Vondeling. The album was an almost solipsist experiment into guitar drone music. Over the years, Monnik has never ceased to experiment, and purify his sound. His progress was staggering, and after a few successful tape releases, the time is here to formally present the next step into this Monniks progress. The (guitar) drone is still at the base of his art, but he has tremendously expanded on his sound, diving deep into a psychedelic take on ambient anddrone music. Walk the path of the Monnik. The journey towards the inner self has never sounded this intriguing and captivating. Monniks new direction is heading towards contemporary psychedelica with a firm nod to the seventies psych masters. For fans of: Pink Floyd, Stars Of the Lid, Kohn, Syndrome, Popol Vuh.