A Sign Of Time
"A Sign of Time" will present a re-invented approach of MAUDLINs (BE) psychedelic doom/rock. The listener will be subjected to MAUDLINs raw soul and deep emotions, drenched in a halucinogetic atmospheric pool, combined with sheer brutal power. Itll become clear that MAUDLIN evolved into a roaring beast! Maturity and intensity are the keywords to this album and the live shows that will accompany the release. "A Sign of Time" is a conceptual album for fans of NEUROSIS, CAVE IN, TYPE O-NEGATIVE, LED ZEPPELIN, PINK FLOYD, . recorded by MAUDLIN. mixed by A. Schneider (Cave In, Unsane, Shrinebuilder,...). mastered by D. Coutant (The Gaslight Anthem, Coliseum,...).