La Vertuosa Compagnia De' Musici Di Roma

La Ferte: Premier Livre De Sonates Pour Le Violon Et Li

This second volume completes the project of world premiere recording of the entire Premier Livre De Sonates by Charles Franois Grgoire de La Ferte. The realization of this important production involved the three musicians of the "Vertuosa Compagnia de' Musici di Roma" - Valerio Losito, Maurizio Lopa and Emanuela Pietrocini - in a long and fascinating journey of research which required almost three years of work and which still continues on the traces of the Seigneur de La Fert, violinist and violist in the service of the King and the Duke of Orlans during the reign of Louis XIV and in the Regency period. Almost nothing is known about the life and musical work of the Seigneur de la Fert today. His only known work is the collection of sonatas for violin and bass printed in Paris in 1707. The darkness that envelops the biography of this musician is, however, illuminated by the beauty and freshness of his compositions. On the one hand they are a fully complete expression of the French musical style of the time, but on the other they are a field of evident melodic, harmonic and above all contrapuntal experimentation.

CD - 1 disk
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