Janitors, The
Backstreet Ditties
Of course we had some superb bands like The Headliners, The Skeptics and Teenage Hearts in-between, but lets face it - weve all been waiting on some new THE JANITORS ditties, right? Well, its been seven years since the bands last 10", so of course weve been! Good news then, because despite being very much anticipated, this still pretty much comes out of nowhere and its coming at you through REBELLION RECORDS - THE JANITORS all new album "BACKSTREET DITTIES"! With ten tracks total, "BACKSTREET DITTIES" is indeed a full-scale assault that is coming out on both LP and CD! Delivering everything youd expect of a new THE JANITORS release, this ridiculously good album will quickly turn into your favorite THE JANITORS record in no-time, as well as your favorite release of 2002 - mark my words! Its raw, its melodic and its fairly fuckin brilliant to say the least! Get it while its hot!